Hey Photoshop World friends! If you missed out on one of this years "pre-cons" or you just don't want Photoshop World to end, check out my Photoshop World Post-Conference Location Lighting Shootout!
All this week we got to TALK a lot about photography. Well this Saturday, after PSW has come to a close, lets stop talking and start SHOOTING... Las Vegas style!
We've hired professional models and acquired special permission to shoot all over the famous Nelson Ghost Town. This place is chalk full of photo ops, crashed airplanes, props from Hollywood movies and more! Chances are you've seen some killer photos from this location and now you can head out with us to make some of your own!
I'll be setting up studio strobes, speedlights, and reflectors / diffusors of all sizes for you to use. After a quick introduction to the gear the shooting will begin. I'll teach you how to tame natural night for amazing images, as well as how to introduce speedlights and large studio strobes into the scene.
This is an opportunity for you to shoot, as I assist you. This is the perfect time to try out different gear that I use everyday on commercial jobs, and to add some killer images to your portfolio.
What to Expect:
- You Do The Shooting
- Live Models
- Studio Strobes & Large Softboxes
- Speedlights & Umbrellas
- Reflectors & Diffusers
- Great Images & A Good Time
What is Provided
- Round-trip transportation from Mandalay Bay
- Boxed lunch and plenty to drink
- Professional models
- An AMAZING location - Nelson's ghost town
Make sure to bring your Camera, Lenses, and plenty of Memory Cards!
**Check out TripAdvisor and this blog post for more images of the location.
Both myself and my assistant Julio will help you put the information you learned all week into practice. Come join us on Saturday, Sept 6th from 12-6PM for a day of learning, photography and fun!
- Erik Valind, Photoshop World Instructor